Geneva Airport Departures

Check-in the day before

To know if passengers can do the check-in of their baggage the day before, they should consult the information given by their company.

If travelers checked their bags in the day before, the airport recommends making their way to the airport one hour before their flight departs (two hours during weekends) to complete all the procedures and make their way to the departure lounge.

Check-in at the airport

Deadline for check-in

The deadline for the check-in is different depending on the airlines. Usually, it is recommended that commuters present themselves for check-in

  • in general: at least two hours before the flight departure
  • during winter weekends (Friday to Sunday from December to April) at least three hours before the flight leaves.

Deadline for the boarding gate

Usually, it is advised that commuters present themselves at the boarding gate approximately 30 minutes before the scheduled flight departure.

However, travelers are still recommended to confirm and double-check this information directly with their airline.

Priority Lane

Priority Lane provides passengers with priority access at security checkpoints without standing in traditional lines. This service is available for all destinations and flights, except for the charter flights that depart from Terminal 2.


To have access to the priority lane at the Geneva airport security checkpoint passengers should follow the steps described be

  • First, travelers should book their Priority Lane to receive a ticket.
  • Then after scanning a ticket at the Priority Lane Terminal, commuters can have access to a security check with priority.
  • Travelers can take advantage of the time to discover stores available at the airport or go directly to the boarding gate.

Costs and Use

Priority Lane unit costs CHF 10. The Lane is not nominative, and the time on the ticket is indicative. The ticket stays valid for the entire day of the intended use.

Priority Lane is complimentary for children under six years old, and they do not require a ticket. Passengers can take the child in their arms and pass at the same time. However, from the age of six, each user must possess a valid ticket.

A Priority Lane can be purchased until the day before the scheduled departure.

Change and Cancellation

Commuters can change or cancel their Priority Lane until the evening of its use. The booking may no longer be canceled or changed after the indicated time. Passengers should note that the change or the cancellation of the reservation is subject to fees.

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