St. Gallen–Altenrhein Airport Duty free

Because St. Gallen Altenrhein Airport represents a relatively small property, it does not include the Duty-Free area. However, passengers are always welcome to visit the dining facilities accessible within the terminal.

Cockpit restaurant

At Cockpit restaurant, passengers are welcome to enjoy a fine meal or a drink. The restaurant can be found in the airport terminal where commuters can enjoy their meals while gazing at the planes taking off and landing. The facility provides travelers with various menus at lunchtime and various snacks throughout the day. Another specialty is the fine beer, which comes from the "huus-braui," which represents one of the smallest and most modern breweries in Eastern Switzerland in Roggwil.

Operating hours:

  • Monday - Friday: 05:45 am - 07:00 pm;
  • Saturday: 08:00 am - 07:00 pm;
  • Sunday: 09:30 am - 07:00 pm.